Sunday, November 13, 2022

Pastor Appreciation How To

Pastor appreciation month was last month. I think back to many of the great pastors I've had over the years. I learned so much from each of them. (There were a few less-than-great pastors, and I learned from them, as well, but that's another post for another day.) My youth pastor, Carey, when I was in high school was hugely instrumental in my spiritual development. I don't know that I'd be in ministry today without him. So thanks to all who faithfully served and made an impact on my life.

Some churches do big appreciation moments during the service or give the pastor(s) a gift. Other times it's a card or something smaller. I had someone take me out this year for lunch, so that was really nice. (Food is always a winner.) 

It's nice to be appreciated and while gifts aren't necessary, it's not like I'll turn one down! It wasn't until I started as a senior/lead pastor, though, that I realized how important just showing up is for a pastor's morale. When Sunday attendance is strong, it's a real encouragement to the leader/speaker.

If you want to show your pastor how much you appreciate them, one of the best ways is just to be there on Sunday!

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