Monday, July 18, 2022

Wait For It...

One of the Fruit of the Spirit that Paul talks about in his letter to the Galatians is patience. Out of the nine he lists, this one is the one that people seem to struggle with the most. I know I do.

There was a survey done of thousands of Christians at a church. They were asked, "Which fruit of the Spirit would you most like to grow in?" More than 50 percent said patience. In other words, more people felt like they needed to develop patience than all the other eight put together.

There area lot of reasons why this might be: the pace of our world, technology and screens creating short attention spans, and so on. (I could probably list more, but who has time for that?) As a result of our society and just our fallen human nature, we get hurried and impatient.

The problem is, when we are caught up in busyness and hurry we don't have time to really love people. We don't take time to notice them. John Ortberg put it this way: Relaxed people look. Hurried people overlook.

Who can you slow down and notice today?

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