Thursday, July 21, 2022

First Impressions of a Burger


I'm heading to an area of Minnesota this afternoon that I don't typically visit (near St. Cloud) and I was looking around for a place to eat. I came across a local restaurant that looked intriguing. It's a simple burger joint, but I love burgers and am always on the lookout for something new and different to try.

But then I saw this picture (above) on their web site. Who is doing their photography? Could that burger look less appealing? It's kind of sad with it's generic bun and dry-looking burger patty. At least the background is dynamic, I guess.

I checked out the Google reviews for the place and they are all uniformly good, which says a lot because most of the time people post reviews when there is something they don't like. So I'm going to give it a shot, in spite of the picture above. Hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised. If nothing else, they have a large variety of milkshakes.

If it's good, I'll update this post with the name of the place.

But it makes me think about first impressions. What is someone's first impression of your church or business? What pictures do you have on your website? What does the building or product look like in person? 

Are people pleasantly surprised when they actually visit? Is that a good thing? How much do you want to under-promise and over-deliver?


[Update: The restaurant closes early enough that I wasn't able to visit this time to test actual product. Next time I'm in St. Cloud I'll have to give it a try and let you know.]

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