It's not available on the North Point Ministries podcast store as they only archive a couple of message series at a time, but you can download it directly here for free from another ministry podcast. Or you can listen online or order a CD from the North Point website.
a conversation on ministry, technology, running, entertainment, and life in general designed to inform, inspire, and entertain
Friday, September 21, 2007
Podcast Highlight: Pause
I really enjoy listening to several different speakers and teachers via iTunes' podcast. In addition to great content like The Dave Ramsey Show, or youth ministry podcasts like the Simply Youth Ministry Podcast or Who Are These Guys?, I also listen to a lot of different sermons and messages. Some of my favorite Christian pastors and speakers are John Ortberg, Rob Bell, Andy Stanley, Donald Miller and Bill Hybels. If you've never checked out their work I'd encourage you to give them a try. Plus they're all free! Just search under their names in the iTunes store.
Today I finished listening to part 2 of a series that Andy Stanley did called "Pause". This message was titled "Soul Provider" and it was a phenomenal challenge. His main point was that temptation is not just a test of your self-control but a test of your faith. Great stuff! I highly recommend it.
It's not available on the North Point Ministries podcast store as they only archive a couple of message series at a time, but you can download it directly here for free from another ministry podcast. Or you can listen online or order a CD from the North Point website.
It's not available on the North Point Ministries podcast store as they only archive a couple of message series at a time, but you can download it directly here for free from another ministry podcast. Or you can listen online or order a CD from the North Point website.