Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Rob's Review: Treason

There's a new 5-episode limited series on Netflix right now called Treason that Rosalie and I watched over the last week. I'm always up for a good spy story and it stars Charlie Cox who plays Daredevil, so I was predisposed to be interested and to like the series.

I liked a lot of the series. It all takes place in Britain so it's a nice change-of-pace to a lot of the political spy stories I'm used to seeing that are set in the US. Cox does a great job and is always enjoyable to watch. The supporting cast seems strong, as well, and the plot is decent, if a little convenient, but not that deep or compelling. It did have a nice twist at the end, courtesy of being a limited series.

Overall it's fairly enjoyable (although it wasn't Rosalie's cup of tea, as the British might say). I don't know that it was something I would necessarily watch again, and I don't know that if it had been longer that I would have stuck with it, but at five episodes I figured I'd give it a shot. Overall it was okay, but there's probably more compelling shows you can spend your time on, unless you are a big fan of Charlie Cox, in which case you'll like it.

My grade: B

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