Friday, July 28, 2017

App Recommendation: Runkeeper

It's free app Friday! (I don't know if that's really going to be a thing on my blog or not, but it's Friday and a free app, so there you have it.)

I started running recently and have tried out a number of apps that track my endeavors. So far my favorite is one called Runkeeper. I asked a number of my friends on Facebook who are runners for their recommendations and everyone had a different one to suggest, but so far Runkeeper is the one I keep returning to.

Most of the functions in Runkeeper are free but you can pay to upgrade to more detailed comparisons of how you've been doing, live updating of runs so your friends can follow your progress (say on a 5K event) and so on. There's a 7-day free trial of the upgrades I may try next month when I run my first 5K (Mora Half Marathon and 5K) so may family can see the live updates. But the basic program is more than capable for all my needs. Plus it synchronizes with a bunch of other fitness equipment and apps, so that's nice.

One of my favorite parts of this app are the different audio stats voices you can select from which give you status updates throughout your run. My favorite voice is "Your Conscience" which is hysterically funny. Hopefully they'll keep adding different options. ("Drill Instructor" is good for a change once or twice, but got old pretty quick for me.)

All that being said, I'm also going to experiment with another app called Strava. It seems to be for more serious athletes and not beginners like me, but we'll see. I'll update this if I end up changing. Nevertheless, I'd still recommend Runkeeper.

Do you have a preferred fitness app? Let me know in the comments.

Don't run? Got nothing for you. You can head back to camp.

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