Sunday, March 29, 2009

Pine-ing Away for Minnesota

Okay, that title doesn't have the same ring to it as my Sunshine Day post, but as it turns out we will now not be moving to Florida. My job transfer had been approved and we were minutes away from signing a lease on a rental house when we felt God saying "no". We just didn't have a peace about moving to Florida right now.

So we are staying in Pine City. I'll be working at Walmart and hopefully moving into management in a little bit. We are excited to settle in and get involved in the great church we have been attending here in town (Evergreen Church).

We are very sad not to be able to be closer to my dad, aunt, and friends in Florida, but that's what vacations are for, I suppose. We are also sad to leave the wonderful sunshine and warm weather behind (it's supposed to snow Tuesday and it's almost April!) Of course we have nice scenery here, too, from time to time - that's sunset on Lake Pokegema in the picture up above.

On the other hand we are happy to be able to stay close to the wonderful friends we have made in our neighborhood and at work. And we are glad to be able to keep the boys in the great schools in Pine City. (Now if someone could do something about that awful auditorium... but that's a topic for another post.) I also have greatly enjoyed working at the Pine City Walmart and have made some good friends there.

So, Pine City, you're stuck with us for the time being. If anyone in the Pine City school district knows a house we can rent, let us know! Be seeing you!

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