Monday, March 10, 2008

Beginning the Walk through Philippians

We had a great CONNECT small group last night with our Ignite students as we began delving into the book of Philippians. We took some time to set up the background of the book, reviewing Paul's own journey from persecutor to prisoner and his background as the apostle writing the epistle.

With all of the overview and background, we only made it through the first 6 verses. Students were challenged to see God as the creator who brought order out of chaos (a callback from verse 6) and who unleashed that same power into the lives of those who experience His grace through faith. Students were challenged to take the 'next step' this week in either reading Philippians through once (the basic first step), to the next steps of either journaling, using the Rootworks study on Philippians, and/or reading the entire letter each day!

Parents: ask your student which step they decided to take and encourage them as we 'walk through Philippians' over the next month. See if they can explain the 'principle of first mention' and how it applies to the passage we studied. Also talk about the definition of grace. When did God's grace - his 'good work' - first 'begin' in your life? Use this as an opportunity to share the story of your journey together with your student.