Thursday, March 13, 2008

7 Previews Things to Come

Wow, what a great time at 7 last night! (Exhausting, but great!)

We had our "preview" gathering at Pine City Elementary's multi-purpose room (cafe-nasium?) Not only did we have a great group of Ignite students, but also enjoyed three first time guests (although, really, everyone was there for the 'first time', I suppose!) Lots of basketball was played, a case of Mountain Dew and multiple candy bars consumed, and a couple of large group games enjoyed. We closed with a challenge for students "reach out" as they are "going" through life, explaining that evangelism is not just about telling the Good News, its also about living it!

We learned a lot about setup and where to place all of our stuff. Our van is looking like the trailer we use each week for Sunday morning worship celebration - crammed full of equipment! We arrived at 6:30 and it took us about 40 minutes to get everything set up. Hopefully that setup time will decrease once we a.) know better what we're doing and where things go, and b.) get all of our core leader students assigned specific tasks to help out each week.

We got off to a great start and look forward to our "launch" on Wednesday, March 26, and seeing God to do awesome things both in lives of our own Ignite students as well as their friends that they reach out to with Jesus' love.