Sunday, October 30, 2022

Political Ad Blocking Service Needs to be a Thing

It's only a little over a week until the midterm elections and I don't know about you, but I'm really sick of seeing all the political ads on TV. Especially the morning news, which seems to be where the majority of them are. (To be fair, there's probably a lot in the evening, but I don't watch evening news and the TV shows we watch, we fast forward through the ads.)

You know how they have services like VidAngel where you can set it to bleep out bad language and violence from movies and TV shows? What if someone invented that for political commercials? I'd pay for a service like that!

Seriously, do the political ads really change anyone's mind about anything, or do they just reinforce the beliefs you already have? Or maybe they keep people from wanting to vote at all because they're just so sick and tired of all the negative campaigning. 

I definitely think you should vote, but you should only do it by being informed. But don't rely on political advertising to inform you. Do your own research. Pray about it. And then cast an informed vote.

In the meantime, just record all the shows you want to watch on your DVR and then you can fast forward through all the political junk. We do that regularly with morning news programs. Turns out you can get caught up on an hour's worth of news in about 20 minutes. 

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