Sunday, September 11, 2022

A Packers Evangelist

I'm a Green Bay Packers fan because I chose to be. And because of the influence of a great friend.

I didn't watch football when I was growing up so I didn't really root for any team in particular. When I was attending Bethel, one of my best friends, Marty Fischer, was a big Green Bay Packers fan, having grown up near Green Bay. My other best friend, Kevin Orme, was a big Chicago Bears fan, having grown up in Wheaton, just outside of Chicago. Both tried to recruit me to cheer for their team. I told them that I would just be a fan of both teams! "Um... no. You can't do that," was the response. (It was later before I would fully understand why.)

When I would watch Packers games with Marty, he would talk to me throughout the game, giving me background on the players and the team. He would answer my questions about football, which were many and no doubt annoying. He shared his love of the Packers with me, and then he invited me to visit him at home over school break. While there, we visited the Green Bay Packers Hall of Fame at historic Lambeau Field, and there was no going back.

A couple of observations about this. One today and one tomorrow.

First, it was the "evangelistic" fervor of a friend who shared his passion and love for his team with me that led me to become a Packers fan. There is a strong parallel here for Christ-followers who want to share about Jesus with someone else. 

The most effective way to really evangelize (ie. share your faith with someone) is to come alongside them as a friend and explain over time why you love Jesus. As you share your passion and love with them, answer questions and so on, you can't help but influence them to explore the claims of Christ. Perhaps they will learn to love Jesus, as well, and choose become a follower of Hims. 

But you're going to have to start sharing. 

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