Monday, August 8, 2022

Text Me Maybe

I remember when I first read about text messaging. There was an article which said that SMS (short message service) was really catching on among young people in England and parts of Europe and they were anticipating that it would shortly become a big trend in the US. I thought, "Why would anyone want to send a short message to someone, especially one that was limited to 160 characters? No way would that ever catch on."

Turns out I was wrong.

Which is surprising. Not just the fact that I was wrong, but that I was wrong about people looking for a way to communicate that didn't involve talking on the phone.

I hate to talk on the phone. I don't mind phone calls if there is some information that I need to convey or receive, but I'm not one to spend time just "catching up" on the phone. I hate to call someone just to chat. I'd much rather get together with them in person. And I'm always afraid of interrupting someone. It seems like a phone call is much more intrusive than a text message, which you can read at your convenience. Plus I never seem to know what to say. Something about the phone call is more awkward for me. I don't have that same problem in person, but if you call to chat, you won't have to worry about me keeping you on the line too long.

I wonder if there's something genetic about these kinds of preferences. I don't think it's generational, because a lot of people in my generation prefer phone calls to texting. And occasionally... rarely... I will encounter a teen who actually uses their phone to make phone calls.

Maybe it's a personality trait. Who knows.

In any event, if you want to get in touch, give me a text! Or email. Facebook message. Instragram message. Snapchat me.

Or... if you must... go ahead and call.

(and don't even get me started on voicemail!)


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