Monday, May 16, 2022

Graduation Seasion

It's grad season now. (Which makes it sound like you can go hunting for graduates, which I am not advocating, unless it's to congratulate them.) We, like I think most other churches around us, are getting to honor our graduating senior high students this Sunday. Graduation itself won't take place until June 3, but with Memorial Day in there this Sunday makes the most sense as far as engaging with the entire church. This year we opted for a big celebration on Sunday morning during the worship service followed by our Grad Banquet.

This week is when I think it really begins to sink in for seniors that "this is it." Things are coming to an end for them as far as high school is concerned. Lots of "lasts" - last games, last classes, last time to see certain people.

As I'm developing my sermon for this Sunday I am thinking of all of the different types of advice that graduated typically receive this time of year. Some is cliche, some is helpful, and some may be both. How much do you think they'll really hear and assimilate? 

Maybe it's not about the advice itself, but about the fact that people care enough to offer some.

So what advice would you give to a graduating senior this year?

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