We had another great time at our midweek large group environments, X-Factor and 7, last night. Taking a cue from Food Network's Unwrapped show, we went 'behind the scenes' with Ignite student ministries, talking about why we do what we do.
Using the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) and the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-39) we drew out the five biblical purposes and how we've integrated them into our purpose statement and ministry. Here's our working purpose statement, both the concise and expanded parts:
IGNITE student ministries exists to create environments that challenge students to take the next step toward becoming fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
We seek to help students receive and share God’s GRACE, experience GROWTH in their walk with Christ, connect with others in GROUPS, use their GIFTS in ministry, and practice GOOD STEWARDSHIP of their time and resources as a part of a life of worship.
I love the alliterative use of the 5 G's that Willow Creek developed and that we have adopted to describe the five purposes. Here's how we expanded on these areas in the challenge:
- Grace – receiving God’s forgiveness, making him the leader of my life and sharing the Good News with others; outreach; “Go”
- Growth – discipleship; becoming more like Jesus “Make disciples…”
- Groups – entering into community/fellowship with other Christ-followers; “baptizing”
- Gifts – serving others by using your abilities and spiritual gifts in ministry; “Love your neighbor”
- Good Stewardship – being open-handed with my time and resources as a part of a life of worship; “Love the Lord your God...”
It was a good chance to share with everyone the core of what we want to be about not only on Wednesday nights but throughout our ministry. The vast majority of our students this week ended up being very new to our group, having only started attending within the last few weeks or months (or just this week as we had four first-time visitors!). Many of our long-time Journey North Church students were away on vacation or other summer commitments this week. What might have been just helpful review for them was completely new for those that were there last night. It was great to share the vision of what we want to be and do as a 'church within a church' with kids who are just starting out on the journey of faith.