Thursday, August 16, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy

Whew. I've been busy this past week since my last blog entry. A quick rundown:

Friday - Leadership Summit day 2. Excellent, again! John Ortberg's talk, "A Leader's Greatest Fear", was especially compelling.

Saturday - Picked up our boys (Jordan and Jonah) from their first-ever week away at Wood Lake Bible Camp near Grantsburg, Wisconsin. They had an excellent time but were a little homesick by the end of the week. I think we missed them more than they missed us, though! Great week, great camp. Highly recommended. (Had to miss the final two sessions of the Summit, but wasn't about to miss seeing the boys after more than a week away!)

- Finished the Dave Ramsey "No Matter What" series on finances for high school and college students. This final session which was about giving and stewardship was his best in the series.

- Movie Nite with our youth group. Watched National Treasure. Great, fun, clean movie. A good time was had by all.

- Spent much of the day at Cabin Coffee with various meetings. The Journey North elders meeting was that night elsewhere (too bad CC closes at 5 p.m.!) Anticipation keeps building for the new church! Lots of things happening and we are looking forward to sharing much at the first pre-launch meeting Sunday.

- A great, but exhausting day at Wild Mountain with the youth group! Lots of fun had by all. Lots of soreness had by the leaders. Thanks to Doug Schultz for going as a sponsor.