Sunday, October 14, 2018

Running with Rob and Rosalie

Rosalie and I have signed up to run the DONNA Breast Cancer Half Marathon in Jacksonville, FL,on February 10, 2019. I ran a half marathon in August but this will be Rosalie's first. It's a goal she decided to pursue as a part of her recovery and it's for a great cause. (It doesn't hurt that Florida in February beats Minnesota in February!)

As a part of this event we are each trying to raise $500 toward research (through the Mayo Clinic) and provides financial assistance and support to families living with breast cancer.

If you are interested in helping out, your donation is tax deductible and all money goes toward this cause (and it helps us because our registration fee is waived). You can give at this link:  or just talk to us in person. (To donate online there is a $10 minimum.)

In any case, keep us in your prayers as we prepare for the event! Pray for health for us both and decent weather to train in. Thanks!

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