Our large youth group gathering,
7 , met last night and a wonderful (and exhausting) time was had by all. With great sunny weather in the 70s we were able to do a fun outdoor game followed by some wonderful strawberry shortcake supplied by the parents of one of our new students. (We had three new students the week before and two more last night. All in all our group has welcomed nine students from outside of Journey North to our
Ignite youth group in the past month!)

After finishing up our four-part series, Connect 4, last week, this week's
7 featured a one-part challenge called "Your Superpower, Your Mouth". We did an in-depth study of the first part of James 3 and students were challenged to be careful about the words they use and the potential damage they can do with their speech.

Next Wednesday night we'll be taking a road trip to Northwestern College's
Spring Reign event, leaving from the school back parking lot by the Dragon's Den playground at 5 p.m. and returning at 9:45. Students who are planing to attend need to sign up so that we have enough transportation. It looks like we'll fill the church van plus another vehicle so far. (We're still looking for an additional adult driver, so let me know if you're interested!)
In two weeks we'll begin a new four-part series: Rescued from An Ordinary Life. I'm really excited about this one and will post more about it soon. Right now we're getting ready to head to Districts for the weekend. We should miss the snow that is headed for the northern part of the state. (Only in Minnesota can you have sunny 70s one day and snow a couple days later!)